Sunday, April 06, 2008

Echo swims in state meet.....

I had hoped to fill my blog with pictures and videos of Echo swimming in the recent state swim meet but the DeKalb YMCA was so crowded that I was unable to get into the door. Well that’s not quite true; I was able to get into the door but was/would have been standing in front of other people who could not have seen much of anything from their vantage point anyway but with me in the way I’m sure they would have been a little more then peeved with me. Wendy and Connie were able to scoot through the crowd and squat down, way down so as not to be in any ones way. The last time I squatted down was when I was born. Kristina had tried to save us a couple seats but ended up in tears when a lady, I use the term loosely, berated Kris for saving seats which is against the “rules”.

Echo did us proud as the article in the Courier News describes.