Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Geddy’s Great Adventure Begins….

As most of you know Wendy and I went on a road trip this last Sunday to visit with a family that had been involved with a recent rescue of several Golden Retrievers from an Iowa “back yard breeder”. Read more here. Outside of Peoria Illinois we meet April, Will, their pet dogs of which Sting and Geddy stood out the most. Geddy had found a best buddy in Sting.

April and Will welcomed us to their home, their beautiful home I would add and the introductions of Mya to the Geddy and the rest of the dogs went very well. We visited for a while and decided to take Geddy with us. With April’s and Will’s best wishes we loaded up Mya and Geddy and headed back to Elgin.

Geddy did OK on the three hour ride home but did have an upset stomach the last hour or so. We stopped at a gas station to clean him and the car up as much as we could. When we got home he was happy to get out of that car. We took him and Mya to the back yard and he went both ways the second being a runny stool. We feel the drive home was a success since he made it to the back yard before he pooped!

April had told us that Geddy’s vet check had found a sever case of parasites which he was treated for and still recovering from so we were not surprised.

We got into the house and took a tour no doubt looking for April and Sting but soon laid down next to Mya and seemed less anxious.

Because of the car sickness, Wendy felt that less food the first night might be the way to go so he got a little less than a cup. It had been over an hour and his food has stayed down and in if you know what I mean.

Geddy is doing much better today. His first night in the cage was a little scary and barking / crying for about an hour or so before we had things settled down. We have his crate in a bedroom across from ours and at first we started with lights out. Then after about a half hour we thought he could not see us very well and we put a night light on in our bed room. After a while he settled down and was fine the rest of the night.

Monday night he went in his cage and settled down right away with no problem. We moved the night light to a bathroom so as not to be too bright for either/any of us.

This morning we went for Geddy’s first walk at the park and walked for a mile while visiting a couple of other dogs along the way. He was a little nervous but did well even though he pulled me all the way back to the car once we had turned around. I think he new that we were going back to something familiar, the car.

We have started to split his food 50/50 with boiled rice and dog food in an attempt to head off the runny stool. It seems to have helped this a.m. One accident in the house yesterday after Wendy left for work. I should have had a closer eye on him or out right after Wendy left.

After our walk / run, this morning he slept next to me as I did some computer work.

Mya is warming up to the idea that there is another dog in her and her boys (me) life.

After these couple of days I have seen what I believe to be a very smart, sweet dog, hence the name Payton, after sweetness himself.

Stay tuned for more of Payton’s a.k.a. Geddy, Great adventure!

P.S. Thanks April and Will!

1 comment:

  1. One fortunate dog, I'd say. Make that two, or even three including you.
