Saturday, April 23, 2011

Will the improvement increase the value of this home ..... NOT

Growing up at 568 Elm Grove Dr, the closest house in Elgin too U.S 20 by-pass, you may remember, how could one forget, the smell of diesel fumes, the drown of tires on concrete, the roar of the motorcycles, the semis the occasional drag race, the list goes on and on.

Brother Scott had come upon an article a few months back and shared it with us. Seams the State of Illinois is going to put $50 mil into an upgrade of the U.S 20 overpass and N. McLean Blvd. entrance and exit ramps. During the afternoon rush hour the traffic exiting onto McLean backs up well East of the house. 

Engineering takes place 2011, with construction to start 2012 and last for two -three years. The State has all ready purchased business in the area in anticipation of this project.

I share this info with you because if you thought that the by-pass could not get any closer to the old homestead, think again.

The picture here, (look closely, you may have to zoom in)  shows an engineering stake that I believe represents the new location of the northern edge of the realigned exit ramp to McLean Blvd.

You know, there may be a business opportunity here. When the by-pass was constructed I remember dragging pop up and down the construction site selling it to the workers. With the realigned off ramp, maybe a drive by window in Mom and Dads old bed room, what do you think?

More construction photos as progress (?) goes on.

1 comment:

  1. Stunning! And look at that fence! Remember when we could easily hop over it to retrieve a wayward wiffle ball? Now you couldn't even pole vault over it for fear that you would rip open your leg.

    Wait. That happened to Kay didn't it?
