Friday, September 09, 2011

Houston, we have the Rhubarb plant!

The rhubarb plant that has called 568 home for over 55 years has landed, er has been dug up and transplanted at 36W555 in hopes that future generations can enjoy the lip smacking pies that as a child I remember so well.

I thought it would be an easy hist, so, as Scaredstiff, (names have been changed to protect the not so  innocent) my trusty lookout, along with our two four legged friends waited in the car with the engine running just in case a haste retreat was called for. I picked up the shovel and held it close to my side so as not to draw any attention. As I neared the back yard I heard a yell "KURT, you forgot the container." It has my trusty lookout Scaredstiff, helping me in not drawing any attention to us.

As I slipped into the back yard,with the shovel over my shoulder and container under my arm, I cautiously checked out the back yard to insure I was alone. The over growth along the fence bordering the bypass and electrical substation enclosed the backyard almost to the point of complete privacy. I was indeed alone but had this funny feeling that at any moment some one would come out of the house yelling... "MOM, Kurt's digging up the rhubarb plant. I'm going to tell Daaad"

After sizing up the plant I set the shovel into the dirt and stepped down hard. I hit what I thought was concrete. Adjusting the shovel, and another hard step I was, I thought, successful. I bore down on the shovel handle in hopes of bringing up the root ball. I heard wood cracking and popping and felt that at any moment I would be off with the bounty. The cracking and popping I heard was from the shovel handle giving way under the massive root system the rhubarb plant had developed over the years. It was like digging up a small tree. After considering getting a backhoe to finish the job I managed to get the plant into the container and make a clean getaway.

While the plant had set it's roots firmly into the ground at 568, I trust /hope it will flourish as we all have when we all set out on our different journeys leaving 568 in our memories. 


  1. Next on CSI Elgin, See How Your Garden Grows

  2. Congratulations! Your secret is safe with me. Just leave a rhubarb crisp in a brown paper bag on my front door every week for the next twenty years.
