Thursday, August 30, 2012

update on Elmgrove Dr.

 As I watch the progress on the McLean / Bypass 20 interchange, I can't believe how small the lot was or should I say, is getting, where 568 once stood. I stopped by the lot yesterday to see if I could score some Red Maple for Scott. Unfortunately the Maple has been replaced with a very large utility pole which will hold relocated power lines. I met George, owner of the house next to 568. We talked about the construction and how hard the workers were working. George said that "he was surprised as to how much noise that came from bypass 20". Apparently the old house and shrubs along the fence line gave him some buffer to the noise. Not so much now. In the near future highway lighting will be added bringing daylight to the area 24 hours a day 365 days a year.

As I add this picture (which was taken about two weeks ago), to my blog, I now realize that I likely had taken the picture very shortly after the Maple was taken down and chipped up. The trimmed tree just behind the truck on the right, is a tree that was just to the left of the driveway as one would drive in. I do not remember it being there growing up. The new utility pole I wright about above,  has yet to be installed .


  1. I always thought that was an Elm tree and it was on the right as one would go up the driveway.

    I should have asked you to pick up some of that and talk to the tree guys about box elder!

  2. That tree has long been gone. I will post a pic tomorrow that shows it gone and the one I / we don't remember.
