Monday, April 23, 2007

Checking in....or what's for dinner, chicken?

It has been a while since I’ve checked in so here goes…

The last week of March Wendy, Zach, Mya and I took a road trip and spent a week in St George Island at a rental we nick named “the cave”. It was located across the street from the beach and has a “community” pool. We found ourselves alone among the six other rentals for much of the week. Wendy did enjoy the pool! To cold for me!! We visited Mom and Dad, Scott and Ann and had a great time with lots of laughs. Mya, and Zach loved the walks/runs on the beach every morning. Mya was hell bent on chasing the birds (more on Mya chasing birds later) out into the surf while Zach watched from the safety of the sandy beach. Kurt became an official coinsurer or Apalachicola Bay Oysters. Mum, mum good!!! Wendy not so much. Not even a tast to try one. Wendy would always tell her children and grandchildren at dinner when there was anything they did not want to eat, “you have to try it before you can say you don’t like it”. Seams this is not the rule that applies to Wendy and oysters.

Winter finally broke in Elgin so I’ve been outside spring cleaning. When we got home from Florida we had our 30 year old furnace and AC removed and replaced. I had been considering their retirement for over the past few years with each year thinking / hoping I could get one more year out of them. I wish I had replaced them sooner. The old AC was so inefficient that I shutter to think how much electricity we wasted in cooling this house. We picked the right time of the year to buy, between the heating and cooling seasons when business are running specials in order to keep their crews working. With a couple of quotes that were hundreds of dollars higher a ten year parts and labor warrantee sealed the deal. We both are confident that we got a good deal.

Another project was started, a storage shed or rather, have a shed built. I spent the last weekend getting the site leveled and composite timbers set in place for a contractor to build a shed. Cody will earn a few bucks painting it when it is finished. Look for pictures in future blog postings. Ah yes, Mya and bird chasing. Our neighbor who moved in about a year ago has a hobby raising chickens. He has a half dozen or so hens and about ten roosters.Loard are they noisey! All hours of the day and night! The hens are free to run while the roosters are, for the most part, kept in cages. Mya and Zach are good about staying in their own yard, unless there is a squirrel or bird that needs to be chased down. Zach would not know what to do with them, Mya on the other hand goes bonkers. The other day I sensed something amiss and looked up to see Mya chasing a chicken through the neighbor’s yard. In an explosion of feathers she got it before I could get to her. As I caught up to them I was sure Mya had killed the chicken. It lay on it’s back, moitionless with its legs straight up in the air. I took Mya home and put her on a leach and returned to the carnage. Offering an apology to the neighbors wife, who speaks no English, and kids, dad was not home. I managed to explain what had happened using the kids as translator. I got the OK to take that dead chicken and bury it. Still lying on its back with its legs straight up in the air, I picked it up and returned home. As I came close to Mya I dropped the chicken in front of her thinking this could be a learning experience for her, teaching her to leave it alone. Something like trying to un-ring a bell I told myself but needed to try. As I dropped the dead bird it scared me to death by bouncing up to its feet and started running around both Mya and me. Mya did not attack much to my surprise, she may remember how upset I was with her a few minutes ago. I chased the bird into the bushes and caught it, returning it to the neighbor who reassured me it was not a problem that the hen was an old bird headed for the dinner table any way. He showed me the roosters that he raises and explained that they cost over one thousand dollars each. Mya now spend her days on a 30 foot leash while outside.

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