Saturday, October 03, 2009

Guest Bolger, Tiff & baby, yikes !!!!!!!

During the weekend of October 2, 3, and 4th, I have had to take home a computerized baby. This is a project for parenting class which is an elective I’m taking in high school. This baby cries like a real baby does. When the baby cries it either has to be fed, burped, rocked, or have its diaper changed. So far it has been pretty easy taking care of the baby, but it is difficult having to wake up when the baby does at night. This project is worth 30% of my grade in the class. I get graded by the way I take care of the baby. If the baby cries for more than two minutes, and I don’t attend to the babies needs before the two minutes is up it will record that I neglected the baby. Or if I do anything to damage the baby like “dropping it or not supporting the babies neck and head” it will record as abuse. This project will help me in the future when I decide to become a parent. It has showed me that I’m not ready to have a baby at this age, but it has showed me how to be responsible with the actions I take. Caring for a baby is a lot of hard work and it takes a lot of patience. Even though this weekend has been exhausting I’m glad I decided to take this class and take home this baby. This weekend I had a swim meet where I had to take the baby with me, and I went to the store.

1 comment:

  1. You had to swim your race while holding on to the baby?
    I'll bet there was some serious burping after that little episode.
