Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dinner on SGI with family.

Thursday evening dinner at the Oyster Bay restaurant  caped off a very nice week with the family. The weather has been just great most every day since we arrived on February 1st. Jeff caught a Pompano that was grilled for lunch today and the fish was as good as everyone said it would be. 

The girls like to go out onto the beach at night to see all the crabs along with what might have washed up onto shore. Matt & Sandy head back tomorrow and Kris and the rest of the crew, as Wendy and I, leave Saturday morning. Will pick up the blog postings once we are settled back in on Erie Street. 


  1. Hope you have a few more of those Pompano on your line before you depart. Mary arrives for a short visit on Sunday.

  2. How does the size of Jeffs fish compare to the one you put back in the water?
