Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I / we, are well into the fifth day.

Settling in to a routine of protein drinks, “four or five” times a day, started out a bit challenging but with Wendy’s demanding encouragement to follow the Kane Center pre-surgery dietary “guidelines”,  that must be “absolutely followed”. 

We have found some acceptable and tasty additives to the drinks which make them more manageable.

The words absolute, and guidelines, which are used in the Kane Centers pre-sugary hand out, has Wendy very much concerned that she / I will screw things up to the point that the Dr. will be into the surgery and stop because he see's that I drank apple juice which naturally has sugar and is a clear liquid yet pre-surgery “guidelines” state several times to not have sugar. Honey on the other hand is acceptable as a flavor additive to a drink.

 Contradicting pre-surgery “guidelines” are making for much hand ringing.  I’m fine!  Blood sugars have been bouncing around a bit but we are getting a handle on them.

So far, this life style change has been much harder on Wendy then me. Support for Wendy should be sent to her email address.

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